Kate Renee Quigley, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact: Cognitive Learning Disabilities Resources: a list of resources used to find information on CLD

Context: I had to find and use these resources in the fall of 2000 for my Curriculum and Instruction Course at Appalachian State University.

Impact: These resources were used to help present a presentation on Cognitive learning disabilities to my fellow peers. These resources can help teachers and parents find information they are seeking about this subject. Using search engines, library resources, and peers I was able to locate information for my presentation. These resources
will be available to other teachers and  parents. It can help in the diagnoses of a learning disability and in helpful hints on how to accommodate them.

Alignment: I had to search the Internet to find resources for my presentation. I also had to go the library to find information through books and journals. Finding the information that I needed helped me to find services and teach tips so that I would be able to help diverse learners in my classroom and help my peers also. (Tech Comp 13.4)  
These resources for Cognitive Learning Disabilities are made avaliable for parents,teachers, and other educators. These internet sources would be helpful in supporting the well being of students. The web pages provide information in diagonsing children with LD and give additinal information on resources in the community for the family. The pages also give suggestions for modifications for LD students in the classroom and ways parents can help them at home. (INTASK 10)