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Competency 12.3: “Use computers and other technologies effectively and appropriately to communicate information in a variety of formats on student learning to colleagues, parents, and others. Context This is a sample two-page newsletter to my future students. I used Microsoft Publisher to create my newsletter. I also used clip art and word art as well as imported pictures from a digital camera. I worked with a partner and I pretended I was a new teacher who was team teaching for the first time. We introduced ourselves and told the students we were looking forward to our school year starting. We aligned our curriculum goals with the guidelines of the NC Standard Course of Study. Impact After creating this newsletter I now am familiar with Microsoft Publisher, a wonderful program to make pleasing letters to send home to my parents. Newsletters also give teachers the opportunity to introduce themselves to their students and their parents before they actually meet. I can use Microsoft Publisher to make wonderful things to send home with my students. Alignment I have used a desktop publishing
program to communicate with parents. I have met competency 12.3.
I can now use Microsoft Publisher in my classroom. INTASC principle
10 was met by using this newsletter to foster relationships with school
colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students'
learning and well-being.