ETSI Advanced Competency Collection 
Natalie Ann Beckett 
Reich College of Education 
Appalachian State University 
Home Page 

Cover Page 

T.O.C by Artifact 

T.O.C. by Competency 

 Artifact #1 

Artifact # 2 

Artifact # 3 

Artifact # 4 

Artifact # 5 

Artifact # 6 

Artifact # 7 

Artifact # 8 

Artifact # 9 

Artifact # 10 

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies 


  • This technology portfolio was created during my senior year at Appalachian State University.  It was mainly created with the help of many artifacts put together while taking classes within my major and those created within my block\internship in the Fall of 1999.  This technology portfolio was created to meet all the North Carolina ETSI Competencies for Teacher Licenser.  All Elementary Education majors are required to participate in this block experience before going into their student teaching, an experience within itself.  The block experience consists of an in-depth look at the methods courses (and the different ways in which to get an objective across to the class), the assessments given to children, and an internship at Beech Mountain Elementary School.
  • Philosophy of Teaching
  • Resume
  • [email protected]