Rational for North Carolina Standard Course of Study
As a student in the elementary education program
at Appalachian State University I have learned the importance of the North
Carolina Standard Course of Study. As a classroom teacher I need
to be familiar with these goals and objectives. Using this artifact
I can quickly determine what will be expected of my students in the area
of computer skills.
Being familiar with the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study will enable me to create lessons that will provide my students
with the appropriate information they need for their specific grade level.
This artifact is a copy of the curriculum guidelines
provided by North Carolina Public Schools’ Infoweb. This can be found
at http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/computer.skills/5.html
This artifact meets competency goal 10.1
by listing the goals and requirements of what my future students should
know and be able to do regarding computer skills. This artifact also
helps me understand what I should be testing my students on, and therefore
it meets competency goal 10.5.
By finding a lesson on the computer skills curriculum
website I meet competency goal 10.4.