Byerly Gallion, RCOE, Appalachian State University |
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This site can be used in planning instruction by accessing lesson plans on this site. Many of these lessons can be used as science lessons and use the Discovery Channel as a resource. This website covers a variety of science topics and grade levels. I feel confident that I can find a lesson for any class I may be teaching. I have chosen a lesson about ants. This lesson discusses how ants have evolved from wasps and explains why they are such socially complex creatures. This lesson contains a TLC video that corresponds to the lesson. This artifact meets competency 10.2
because I will be using a video that will correlate with the lesson I am
teaching. I will be using a VCR and a television to show the video
to the class and will therefore meet competency 12.6.
By using a video during my lesson I will be reinforcing the subject matter
to my visual learners and meet competency 13.4.
I documented the webpage in which I found this lesson and met competency