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Artifact #3
Lesson Plans and a Listerv for Teachers Context: The first part of this artifact is two lesson plans. One was located off the web site: http://ericir.syr.edu. “ERIC is a nationwide system of Clearinghouses and support agencies designed to help educators, librarians, and the general public keep up to date on education-related issues.” The other was located off the web site: http://www.randomhouse.com, which was found through a series of links from http://www.lessonplanz.com. The second part of this artifact is a subscription to a listserv for teachers. This particular listserv is sponsored by the NEA and called Work4Me. Included are all the messages I have received to date. Impact: Upon receiving my license to teach in the state of North Carolina, I will be competent to locate resources available to me as a teacher via the World Wide Web. I also will be able to sign-up for a listserv. This will allow me to communicate with numerous other colleagues and exchange information about our profession. Alignment: The printed lesson plans and listserv messages align with Competency
13.4. This artifact uses local, state, and national services/resources
to meet diverse learning needs. It also meets INTASC Standard
9 because it is an opportunity for professional growth. As a
future educator in the state of North Carolina, I now know how to use resources
via technology and will incorporate them into my lessons and classroom.