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Artifact #10
List of Television Resources Context: This artifact includes word-processed list of six television resources that are available to me as an Elementary Educator in the state of North Carolina. Included is a brief description of what each site offers to teachers and students. Impact: As a future teacher, I will be able to use this information of various resources available to me. I will be able to incorporate a television resource into some of my lesson plans so I can reach those students that learn better visually and audibly. Alignment: This artifact aligns with the Competency 10.2. Having this knowledge, will also allow me to meet the Technology Competency set forth by the state of North Carolina. It can be found at www.ncdpi.org and following the links to Curriculum then Computer and Technology Skills. This artifact also meets INTASC Standard 5. Through the use of these resources, I will be able to facilitate student interactions and engagement in learning through discussions of the media viewed. I now feel competent in this area and can incorporate television resources into my classroom and lesson plans.