Casey E. Bowen, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles



The Media Ethnography project was completed in the Media and Technology class at Applachian State University in Fall 2002.  This project promoted research and group collaboration to find out how students in schools are influenced by the media.  The result was presented to the class through a Microsoft Power Point presentation.

This project was very important in that it resulted in a practical outlook on how media influences children's ideas on the perception of beauty.  Our expectations were somewhat right in that children mostly find a more beautiful person as having long, blonde hair, thin bodies, etc.  Their perception of beauty is purely learned from what the media portrays to them everyday.  This project is very influential and eye-opening to how and why the media is so powerful in a child's life.  I will plan to use this experience to further guide and instill the meaning and importance of the word beauty in our society to my future students.

In completing the Media Ethnography, I met the following Technology Competencies using computers and other technologies to gather information and present it in a Power Point Presentation (12.2). The presenation allowed for a complete communication outlook for the class. The information was presented appropriately and effectively in order for the audience to comprehend (12.3).

The Ethnography also met the following INTASC Principle by researching how media influences children in the schools, showing how they learn and relate this to their everyday developing life (Principle 2).