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Rationale 10: List of
Television Resources
Competency 10.2: “Use school television resources that support the curriculum.” Context: I viewed a Channel One segment in class. The segment I watched was student directed and focused on current events in a format that was easy for a teenager to understand. I used Internet Explorer to search the Internet to find the web pages of television resources available for schools to use today. I then used Microsoft word 2000 to word process the list. Impact: Since I will be a K-6 teacher in North Carolina, I will need to utilize the North Carolina competencies in my classroom. This list of television resources will help incorporate the North Carolina Standard Course of Study K-12 Technology Competency Goal #3: “The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.” I might be required to show Channel One in my classroom. Alignment: The List of Television Resources directly aligns with
competency 10.2 because I now have television resources on hand that I
can use.