Sabrina Springer, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 2: Media Ethnography

Competency 12.2: “Use computers and other technologies effectively and appropriately to collect information on student learning using a variety of methods.”

Competency 12.3: “Use computers and other technologies effectively and appropriately to communicate information in a variety of formats on student learning to colleagues, parents and others.” 

Context: In a group of three, I worked to create a PowerPoint presentation that would represent how the media influenced students in the first, second and fourth grades perception of beauty.  We had the students draw a picture portraying what beauty meant to them.  Then we showed a series of pictures and had them choose which people they believed were more beautiful.  Lastly, the children gave us reasons that make something beautiful.  We took digital pictures of the discussion and scanned their drawings.  Then we tied everything into a visual representation using PowerPoint. We gave a thirty minute presentation using a class activities, the PowerPoint and a talk about our findings.

Impact: Children in today’s society face an incredible amount of media.  It is important as future teacher’s to understand how these interactions with media affect children’s beliefs.   The only way counter the power of media is to first understand it. As a teacher, I might be called on to make presentations to other teachers, parents or others.  Using PowerPoint as an effective tool, will help facilitate the process.

Technology Alignment: The PowerPoint presentation aligns with 12.2 and 12.3 because we collected information on what children have learned informally about beauty.  We then complied this information into a presentation to share with others.

INTASC Alignment: The Media Ethnography aligns with INTASC standards two and ten.  In studying how Mabel Elementary school students view beauty, I gained insight into how students learn and develop.  I learned a significant amount about the role that media and social perceptions play into learning about the world.  This PowerPoint presentation was given to other future teaching professionals.  It could also be an enlightening presentation to give at a PTA meeting.

Include rationale with each competency and principle linked to the corresponding competency or principle itself (targets on these pages).