Sabrina Springer, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 5: Modern Fashion and Design

Competency 12.4: “Demonstrate knowledge through practical application: Physical settings that support active student involvement, inquiry, and collaboration.”

Competency 12.5: “Organizational and management strategies that support active student involvement, inquiry, and collaboration.”

Competency 12.7: “ Select and create learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals, relevant to learners, based upon principles of effective teaching and learning, incorporate the use of media and technology for teaching where appropriate, and support learner expression in a variety of media communication tools.”

3.4 Use appropriate local, state, and national services or resources to meet diverse learning needs through technology

Context: The Modern Fashion and Invention Project is a Web page that I created.  It contains a Home Page, Teacher Page, Student Page and Example Page.  I worked in a small group to create the idea of a Personality detector and take pictures of this object in use.  Then individually, I wrote an article about the personality detector.  It includes an assignment that elementary aged students complete utilizing the Internet, a digital camera, word processing and Netscape Composer. The students pick a random object and make up a new use for their object.  Then they use photograph their object and write an article about it.  Their writing is peer edited using a worksheet that I included a link to on the webpage.  After their writing has been approved, they use the program Netscape Composer to make a web page. The Teacher page includes information and tips so that any teacher could use this assignment within their classroom. 

Impact: Being about to construct a web page, will be useful in the classroom.  If I am comfortable using the technology myself, I will be more prepared to teach my pupils how to use technology as a tool to express themselves and spread knowledge.  This is also an inexpensive way to publish student work.

Technology Alignment: I have met the above goals 12.4, 12.5, 12.7 and 13.4.
By making the Modern Fashion and Invention web page, I have used organization and management strategies to allow students create a setting that supports active student involvement, inquiry, and collaboration.  This learning experience integrates technology and meets numerous goals set forth by the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.  This resource is available nationally for teacher's to use within their classrooms.

INTASC Alignment: The Modern Fashion and Invention assignment meets INTASC Standard six because I used a knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom. Students work cooperatively to develop a product, take digital photos and edit each other’s work. Students actively create group web pages modeling a Web page created by a teacher.  Students access the web page to obtain instructions, worksheets and helpful hints. It also meets standard five because group interaction, use of technology and a chance to participate in a creative endeavor motivate many students. The Modern Fashion and Invention web page meets standard eight because a grading rubric is located on the Teacher page and points are included on how to provide ongoing assessment.  Examples of the suggestions include evaluating the worksheets that students complete and maintaining a close eye on their group interaction.