Sabrina Springer, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 3: Textbook Analysis

Competency 10.6: “Locate, evaluate, and select appropriate teaching/learning resources and curriculum materials for the content area and targeted audience, including computer-based products, videotapes and disc, local experts, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature, and other print sources.”

Context: As part of a pair, I completed a textbook analysis of two second grade social studies textbooks.  We read and then evaluated the books based on set criteria.  The criteria included social issues, interdisciplinary, conceptual organization, recency, bias, analytical mode, question levels, decision-making, establishes a direst relationship with the learner, skills, evaluation, learning aids, motivation, difficulty, readability, and research. 

Impact: In my career, I likely serve on a textbook adoption committee.  Having practiced evaluating textbooks, I will be more prepared to make and educated decision on which book to choose.

Technology Alignment: I have met 10.3 because deciding which textbook will be used for the next few years constitutes making decisions about instructional materials. 

INTASC Alignment: The textbook evaluation meets INTASC standard nine.  The reflective professional uses criteria to determine which textbook is most appropriate for their school system.  This decision effects the learning throughout the system.