A. Artifact 8
B. Context
An online compilation of the progression of development for 2nd through
4th grade students, focusing on packaging. This web-page was constructed
during my Media and Technology class at Appalachian State University.
It contains helpful insight into the development of students from 2nd through
4th grades and is presented with pictures and easily read graphs.
C. Impact
This web-page will be available as a resource to parents, teachers
and the community. It provides a glimpse of how students feel and
think on this subject.
D. Alignment
This case study web page provides an insight to how certain students
feel about certain packaging issues. It will encompass these Competencies:
E. Technology
· 12.2 - This artifact shows
that using technology to collect information about what students are learning
or what they know because I gave a questionnaire out to my class
to determine how students feel and think about packaging. We also
videotaped two individuals from our prospective classes and interviewed
these kids with certain questions from the questionnaire.