Michael Derek Compton
(RCOE) Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

Artifact # 13

Artifact # 14

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


A. Name Story Pictures

B. Context This web page was developed as a part of my Media and Learning Course in the Spring of 2001 during my pre-service training.  It was constructed in Netscape Composer and posted on the web through Appalachian State University. 

C. Impact This resource includes a media literacy lesson plan for a third grade class, links to media literacy resources, and a reflection on my experience teaching this lesson.  First, I would want the students to look at these pictures individually that they had pulled up on the Web Page and put them in any order to tell a story.  Then, I would want them to brainstorm for ideas on how the story should progress.  Next, I would like them to write the story for their pictures.  Finally, I would like for them to print out their story on Microsoft Word so that you can share it in your small group.  Then I would go to a group setting (3-4 students).  I would like them to get into their groups and share their individual stories with their group.  Then, I want them to brainstorm ideas as a group of what their group could change and keep the same to come up with a new story.  I will assign parts for each of the group members:  Writer, Secretary, Presenter, Author.  Finally, I would ask the Presenter to read the story to the class and the Author to describe the Elements of their story.  The purposes and audience of newspapers are discussed in the lesson.  This lesson corresponds to the NC Standard Course of Study for both Language Arts and Media Literacy; competencies addressed are listed in the lesson.  As a web page, this lesson plan will be available to other teachers.  The reflection on the process of teaching the lesson will be useful for any teacher considering using this resource.

D. Alignment The web page includes a detailed lesson plan and activity sheets that help to teach a Language Arts lesson through media.  Targets and links are provided to help the teacher/ student easily access any given information.  It will encompass these Competencies:

E. Technology
· 10.1 - This artifact shows that I can access the Computer Skills Curriculum and identify what kids in a specific grade need to be able to do because it easily adaptable to each grade with the adding on of different computer skills for each level as needed.
· 10.4 - This artifact shows that I will help kids meet the goals of the Computer Skills Curriculum by allowing the accessing of a web page, producing a spell-checked Word document and proofing this document.
· 10.5 - This artifact shows how I will help kids prepare for the Computer Skills Assessment because it allows for individual and group work within the lesson itself.  Accessing the web page and doing the exercise as well as writing a word document covers many of the NC Computer Skills Curriculum.
· 12.7 - This artifact shows that I can integrate technology both in my teaching and in student expression to help meet
these curriculum goals in Media and technology (5th Grade):

Because the lesson is accessed on the internet and it allows the students express their creativity using technology in the story that they come up with.
· 13.2 - This artifact shows how I might us technology to support the needs of children with special needs because it is a simple lesson with only pictures that lends itself to doing simplified versions of the lesson.
· 13.3 - This artifact shows how  might use technology to support the needs of children for whom English is a second language because the story pictures themselves are just pictures.  The ESL student does not have to know English to do this assignment.  The pictures are there to put in order and write a story.  The story can be in another language and translated until that student can write English well.  Until then, I will check for elements of a story in another language.

Standard One:  This artifact helps me to understand the central concepts, tools o inquiry, and structure of the discipline(s) I teach and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.  This artifact utilizes the visual aspect of creating a story and helps the learner build on their prior knowledge through media and the use of pictures.  It also encompasses language arts as well as the use of media and technology.
Standard Eight:  This artifact helps me to understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner.  This project involves formal assessment in that it provides the teacher with a finished product of the students' work on Microsoft Word that can be graded and scored.  It also involves informal assessment in that it provides an opening for asking questions and a closing section for review of what they have learned.