Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University |
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Artifact # 11 |
List Of Television Resources Competency 10.2: Use school television resources that support the curriculum. Context This artifact was created in my Foundations 3100 class, Classroom Use of Microcomputers. In class we watched a Channel One video and discussed how to use television resources in class. We talked about how you should always have an activity or discussion to follow the viewing of any program. I then went to a search engine on the Internet and looked up television resources. I then word processed a list of reliable sources for television resources on Micro Soft Word. Impact As a teacher, I need as many resources as possible. Television is a great resource for teaching if it is reliable and valuable to the subject you are teaching. Alignment List Of Television Resources aligns with Competency 10.2 as a future
NC public school teacher; I have made a list of television resources and
they align with NC Standard Course of Study Competency Goal 3 The learner
will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize,
apply, and communicate information.