Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University |
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Artifact # 6 Artifact # 16 |
Inquiry Project Presentation Competency 13.2: "Use media and technology to support learning for children with special needs." Competency 13.3: "Use media and technology to support learning for children whose primary language is not English." Competency 13.4: "Use appropriate local, state, and national services or resources to meet diverse learning needs through technology." Context This artifact was created during my Elementary Education Block 436. In class we completed this task in groups. Each group was responsible for a set of disabilities, my group work with cognitive behavioral disorders. In the group we researched the different cognitive disorders and developed a bookmark to distribute to the class with basic facts and informational web sites for each of the cognitive disorders. We also presented the information that we obtained in a one hour and thirty minute peer teaching experience. Impact As a licensed teacher in North Carolina, I should be aware of the different behavioral disorders and how to handle students in my classroom with the different disorders. Alignment The inquiry project presentation aligns with Technology Competency 13.2 because I used media and technology to gain knowledge to support those students with special needs. My group used a variety of Internet sources to develop our presentation. This artifact also meets INTASC principle
9. As a class we presented our presentation as well as observed the
other presentations. As an observer, I was able to view a wide variety
of teaching methods and a vast amount of information in order to gain personal
intellectual growth. Also after the presentation I completed a reflection
assignment on the likes and dislikes of my personal presentation.
By completing this assignment I looked back over my presentation and was
able to focus on and correct my weak spots.