Bess McCurdy, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

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Artifact # 17

Artifact # 18

Artifact # 19

Artifact # 20

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact 12
Literature Circles

I created this artifact during my senior year, Fall 2002.  I created it using Netscape Composer to create web pages.  I chose the book Joey Pigza Loses Control.  The students are divided into reading groups depending on their reading levels.  A book  is then assigned to each group.  This book should be on their reading level.  The book is divided into 8 different sections.  For each section, each person in the group will be assigned a different job.  I created a model of each job in section one.  For the other seven jobs, I created a detailed outline plan on what is expected for each job. 

Literature circles are beneficial to students in the classroom.  Students will read each section of a book that is on their reading level and then complete a job for that section before moving on to the next section.  Literature circles help students improve reading, writing, and language arts skills.  Students will increase comprehension of the story by working with a new job in each section. 
By creating a model and outlined plans for each section, the teacher uses different instructional strategies and gives the students the information they need to complete each new job.

Alignment with INTASC Standards
Literature circles align with INTASC 1, 3, and 4.  It aligns with INTASC 1 because students are actively involved in the education process.  The students read, perform jobs, research, compose art work, and work in groups together.  This is all done with the teacher monitoring, but not leading.  Literature circles allow students to connect literature with their own lives. 

Literature circles align with INTASC 3 because the teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities adapted to diverse learners.  Students have different opportunities throughout the sections to work with many different types of strategies.  Literature circles are very beneficial to the diverse learning abilities found within a classroom.

Literature circles align with INTASC 4 because it uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.  Students will be involved in many different jobs to increase critical thinking.