an Accessible Computer Lab
This artifact is a list of ideas that I would use to design a computer
lab. In class, we divided into groups of 3-5. We were to brainstorm
different ideas we each had about what we would include in a computer lab.
All the groups then came together and we made one master list. I
then typed my list on Microsoft Word to put in my portfolio.
I now know that it is important to design a classroom setting that
is compatible to student involvement. There are many important items
that need to be included in a computer lab that will facilitate learning
through technology. There are also many students with special needs
that will need to be thought of before the lab is designed in order to
allow each student equal opportunities to learn and be active in the classroom.
This list of ideas to remember when designing an accessible computer
lab aligns with competency 12.4- “Physical
settings that support active student involvement, inquiry, and collaboration.”
In order to ensure that every student has the chance to be involved and
learn equally, I will make sure I will consider all of these ideas if I
ever need to design a computer lab or any other classroom setting.
Alignment with INTASC Standards
This artifact meets INTASC 5
because the teacher designs an accessible computer lab by taking into account
understanding individual and group motivation and behavior to create a
learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning, and self motivation. Some students may have
disabilities that make it hard for them to function without proper materials;
therefore an accessible computer lab is essential for these students.