Policy Discussion and Handouts
In class, my professor taught the three types of software these included:
1. Public Domain (legal to copyright; available to the public)
2. Copyrighted-Single User (Illegal to copy)
3. Shareware (Free for a trial time, then pay for it)
We also learned two types of software licenses:
1. Single User (1 household)
2. Network License (File server; holds software)
Next in class we watched a Power point presentation. This presentation
explained copyright laws and fair use policy. We learned, “Just because
something is on the Internet DOES NOT mean that it is public domain.
This includes graphics and photos.” It also explained the Fair Use Policy.
This policy says, “You may use A PORTION of a copyrighted work IN ITS ORIGINAL
FORM-NOT CHANGED- without the permission of the author, if it is for the
following purposes:
• News Reporting
• Research and Education
Artifact 8 includes three handouts I received in class. These
handouts each explain copyright policy. The handouts are as follows:
• “Copyright in an Electronic Environment”
• “Power point Slide Printouts”
• “Citing Electronic Resources in APA and MLA Style
As a future teacher, I now realize the importance of following copyright
laws. It is also important for me to teach my students copyright
laws so they will know how to use information from the computer in legal
ways. If students are never taught, how are they supposed to know
this important information?
Artifact 8 aligns with competency 14.1.
I now understand copyright policies as well as what Fair-Use policy is.
I also understand it is my responsibility to teach my students the importance
of following copyright laws.