Jessica Call, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 17: Inquiry Project

Competency 13.2:  "Use media and technology to support learning for children with special needs." 

Competency 13.4:  "Use appropriate local, state, and national services or resources to meet diverse learning needs through technology." 


During block 436 in my CI 4000 methods class I was in a group and we created a presentation to give to our class on Learning Disabilities.  In the group we researched the different kinds of Learning Disabilities.  We focused on four different types of learning disabilities, which were, dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism and informational processing.  To get our peers involved with gave each student a different disability to have during our presentation.  Some students had to wear a blindfold, others had cotton in their ears, a few rocked back in forth in the chairs, and many had to write with the opposite hand they normally write with.  The students realized what a hard time it was to have a disability. Our group also created a PowerPoint with information about these different learning disabilities and had examples of writings from a child with learning disabilities.  A video of Rain Man was also showed to the group to display how a person with autism acts.  After we were done with the thirty minute presentation we gave hand outs on each of the different disabilities with strategies on how to teach children with these disorders. 


As a future teacher I am now more educated on the many different types on disabilities that I might encounter in my classroom. I need to know how to handle students in my classroom with the different disabilities and how to effectively teach those students.  During this presentation gave me an idea on how to accommodate those students in need. 


The inquiry project presentation aligns with Technology Competency 13.2 because I used media and technology to gain knowledge to support those students with special needs. We searched several different websites to gain insightful information to increase our knowledge about learning disabilities.   My group used a variety of Internet sources to develop our presentation. Competency goal 13.4 was also met in this presentation because we used many websites from the state of North Carolina to find out ways to teach those students with learning disabilities in our state. 

This artifact meets INTASC principle 9 because as a group we presented our presentation on Learning Disabilities to the rest of our classmates.  We also had to observe other groups’ presentations and learn about a variety of different disorders.  While I was observing the other groups they taught me how to teach students with other disorders and how to effectively handle situations that might arise. As a learner my intellectual growth increased because I am more alert about the disorders children have.  I also learned about myself as a teacher through self and groups assessments.  I realized what an important role I played in our presentation.  I also was able to reflect on my teaching skills and what I need to work on and what I was strong in.