Jessica Call, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 7: Ethics Role Playing Activity

Comptencey 14.3 “Social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology use”


During our class we had a discussion about the acceptance use policy on computers in schools.  We looked over a hand out from Valley Crucis Elementary School’s acceptance use policy for computers.  The hand out was made up of a list of rules students must abide by in order to use the computers at the Elementary School.  Included on the sheet were spaces for students and parents to sign and date accepting the rules of computer usage.  We also looked over a web site called Teacher Connection and in the website there is a template for teachers or schools to use in making their own computer acceptance use policy.   In our class discussion we also discussed Netiquette (Internet Etiquette) that explains guidelines to use when sending email messages.  When sending email, people should not use all capital letters because it is an indication of shouting.  People should also avoid sending Chain letters because they are illegal.  People getting chain letters get annoyed, and may feel threatened if they receive chain mail.  As a class we viewed the Hoaxbusters website together and printed the homepage out.  Hoaxbusters is a website that gives examples of hoaxes and how to be aware of them. People send hoaxes through email, which are false and nothing but rumors.  The website will give ways to prevent receiving the hoaxes.  Also in class we got into groups and did a role-playing activity.  The group I was in was to show the class that sending chain main was wrong and illegal.  The group I participated in made sure to let the other students know that chain mail is illegal and threatening to other people.  Another group of classmates did an activity on copyrighting and how that people should not make a copy of any software, c.d.’s, games, etc. that have a copyright law on it.  People who copyright could get into serious trouble because copyrighting is illegal. 


As a teacher I can use all this information to protect my students when using computers.  I know where I can go to get information on making my own acceptable use policy for computers.  I will be able to make one and send it out to my students and their parents to insure all students will use computers appropriately.  I can also use the information I learned to teach my students about emailing illegal mail.  Students in my class will learn not to send chain letters to their other friends because chain letters are illegal.  And last I will ensure my students will not copyright in software that has already been copyrighted. 


I met the competency 14.3 because I participated in a role-playing activity and discussions that went over “social, legal and ethical issues related to using technology.” 
After the role-playing activity as a class we discussed what each group did and why it was illegal.  I now know how to make sure students use technology legally and appropriately.