Jessica Call, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale 4:  List Of Websites For Teachers

Competency 10.3  “Access resources for planning instruction available via telecommunications (e.g., experts, lesson plans, authentic data, curriculum materials)”


After been given a few websites teachers find useful, I wanted to find more websites that teachers could use for their classroom.  I went to and typed in lesson plans and activities and searched for these two topics.  Many links came up with thousands of different websites valuable to teachers.  I narrowed the choices down until I got twelve websites I thought would be most helpful for teachers.  I made a list of these websites using Microsoft Word.  After each website address I gave a brief description of the website and how it would be an assistance for teachers. 


This list of websites will be impacting both the teachers and the students.  The list of websites can give the teachers information to better their classrooms and come up with new and creative ideas.  The students can also use the websites to better their education and help themselves find information about certain subjects.  I find the list of websites useful for myself as a future teacher because they will be convenient as a teacher to obtain quickly for use in the classroom. 


This list of websites for teachers meets competency goal 10.3 because a list of URLs was made to assist teachers in planning instruction for their students and by using different websites to find and access different lesson plans.